Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Accessorize Guns or Gun Accessories?

Everybody loves to decorate, accentuate and enhance their body parts in many odd or cool ways possible.

This time, I've rounded up few weird images, yet again, which depict the likeness of guns. No, I'm not pro-violence but hey, guns are not only meant to be used for violence. I'd still say that people have greater control over any sort of gun violence that has happened in the past.

Look at guns in a different way and try to think a thing or two if these can be considered as gun accessories.

I've seen this image several times now though I don't have any certain idea where it originally came from. Pretty cool tattoo, though. Very handy, only if it were real.

Guess what? It's a handgun! Bet you didn't see that comin'...
Welcome to Phuket's yearly Vegetarian Festival! Where things such as shotguns are used beyond the conventional.

My verdict if these are cool gun accessories? I think, NOT.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Some of the Weirdest Guns

If you look at things online, in an in-depth manner, you will realize that weird looking things never fail to exist. But, that is what make things interesting and a little more over-the-edge because it just shows that we, humans, have an uncanny way of innovating simple to complex things. It probably is also the reason why we never get contented.

Guns have existed for so many years. It is also a trusted ally of great conquerors in history. Today though, there are a good number of varieties of firearms in the world. Here are just some of the many that has been given the chance for online exposure.

A cellphone gun concept by Nokia.

A TRUE "Revolver".

(from sheepdip)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Guns for Sale are NOW. This Gun was Then

It was an intention to find the smallest gun in the world. However, coming across an article on the largest gun in the world has fascinated me better.

This humongous gun weighs a whopping 1344 tons including its railway carriage. It stands a staggering height of 20 ft. that is equivalent to a 20-story tall building and is 140 ft. long.

Gustav, as how it was named, was made for Adolf Hitler to be placed in the German frontier against French.

Hitler's exact orders for the gun that he wanted for this task goes this way:
"a gun able to pierce a meter of steel, seven meters of concrete, or thirty meters of dense earth."

Today, there is no need for a gun as big as this. There is no point in building huge guns to be operated by 500 men. It would be very expensive if that is the case. If one seeks a handgun for sale, for example, the best place to go for it is online.

Greatest Guns Shootouts in Film

Take a break from it all. Even guns deserve to be looked at a different angle. This time, it is how guns can make a movie look good by a great shootout scene that it ought to offer. I’m fortunate to have remembered this website (after a while of browsing the internet for a yet another interesting gun post), which has tons of interesting facts. In relation to this post, if you are really looking for worthy guns, handguns, pistols, rifles, shotguns and even surveillance gadgets, this gun shop online is still a recommended place to go to. ;)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fancy Guns for Sale

I was browsing the web to find neat and funny images related to guns. I found tons of search engine results (of course), but I only scan the first 20 pages usually. And yes, I try to scan 1-20 pages most of the time because I believe that I’ll also find good results from pages that do not rank high yet. In your case, give it a go.

Anyway, I was aiming for funny gun-related images and I found several. I made an album of it in my Facebook account actually. The following images below fascinate me not because I like the color pink, but maybe because it made me wonder how these things will actually work in the real world; man-to-man combat. Just a thought.

Anyhow, if you are looking for a serious firearm that you can actually trust and rely on when needed, I will recommend the guns for sale from this site.

Monday, March 30, 2009

A Second Look at Gun Racks

You may not know it, but that rack you are seeing is a rack for guns. Firearms such as revolvers and pistols may not have fascinated everyone; yet, its presence is undeniably noticeable in almost simple things that we see in a day-to-day basis. Guns accessories matters most to serious gun lovers, collecting additional gun accessories, and that means to say, gun racks, is going to be in the list of things that you would want to own – pronto!

Interesting ways why you should have a gun rack of your own:

1. Locate your firearms when you need it during desperate times.
2. To have guests look at your gun collection with great awe.
3. To remind you of how much worth are your expenses so far.

Okay, those might not be so interesting for some, but hey, these are real-life considerations. One can never say that one of the three things mentioned above does not cross the mind of a true-blue gun lover.

What is most interesting, above all, is the fact that one can do a lot of things when it comes to collecting guns. It is not only limited to hunting during the season. Expand and learn what else you can do when it comes to firearms.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Outwit Guns Accessories


I've never seen anything like this! Though I really don't know and am not sure what this is for, I had to find out what it is really about.

It's name is even more interesting. Smart Scouter Cellular Camera? Uhm, doesn't ring a bell exactly. But, good thing that there is a description of this product online. I guess it is more than what they can categorize within guns accessories.

Judging from its versatility and high-end function, this gadget deserves its worth. Read on though to see if you will see it fit.

First Take on Guns for Sale

Guns don't make it to the list of "pleasant" things at home. For someone who has lived all her life without ever having to witness violence through firearms; guns of any sort are one of the unfortunate objects in the world that don't have any spot in the house.

The immediate phenomena of the interactive trend though, has changed all that. Not that guns can be found now where I thrive, but it has earned itself the right to be acknowledged and appreciated even by just looking at them through pictures and reading from online magazines, articles and such.

Movies have helped a lot in making guns known both to flick and non-flick addicts. Notice that there are different ways how one can handle a gun and it does not, by all means, necessary to only damage someone or something. Perhaps, movies have a better way of portraying a real-life conflict especially when firearms are involved.

An interesting point also is how movies are able to portray gun vendors. Though most guns for sale in stores from the different scenes in movies are not legally acquired (since these movies mostly include running and extremely rich villains which more or less already have owned firearms); the hero will have no other choice to take it as quickly as possible. I guess my point has been made. Guns are not necessarily used by everyone for violence or force. It simply has its own purpose to the person that longs to use it. That’s why we have people in uniforms using guns when they are on duty , right?

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